Innovation & marketing of innovative global products

We believe in science and technology that has shaped this world as a great place to live.

We admire all inventors around the world who have contributed and who will contribute their inventions for the sake of humanity.

We aim to invent great products or work with our inventors across the globe to get it US patented, through various consultant patent attorneys in the US; and help to market the product among prospective buyers in our country for sale of patented technology or sale of license for royalties. In doing so we will always make sure we do anything for the betterment of humanity.

We strongly believe in the famous quote from Sir Nicholas Tesla “The present is theirs;the future,for which I have really worked, is mine.”


A great invention by our partner who invented this generator that will be the future of zero emission generator. EcEE generators don’t use any sort of fossil fuel, wind, hydro or solar energy. Only hydro carbon product it consumes is the gear oil for the turbo gear. It is run by a turbo gear mechanism that is powered by a DC motor which in turn is powered by a battery that is charged by residual power generated by the generator.

This great product can be used as a reliable backup to meet any load demand and used anywhere to generate any range of 3 phase or single phase voltage. The working model was tested and proved to be working in Kerala. This will be a revolution in the world that will help for energy independence.

The Problem

Conventional small and medium diesel generators use fossil fuels to generate electricity which contributes to air pollution and sound pollution. The main cons of fossil fuel-based generators:  The price of fossil fuels will continue to rise due to regulations. May need regular maintenance to keep the generators running. Fuel injection systems and other parts are more likely to break down, resulting in high costs for spare parts.

Diesel engines are mostly made from big and heavy components that can make repairs expensive. Although cheaper in the initial price, the running cost of a diesel generator can be much higher than its initial cost  of procurement.  Diesel units can be  noisy, so they’re often placed away from work areas and they have issues with wet stacking too. Hydro, wind and solar based generators  will need energies from respective sources which may not be available at all times. The generators run by nuclear energy use nuclear fuel that is radioactive. The coal based electric generators use coal which is not environment friendly and causes huge amounts of pollution.

The Solution


This innovative Product Generating Electricity based on regenerative electricity with the help of unique and innovative methods in electricity generation. The working method of this Electric generator based on Alternator Turbo Gearbox multiplies the input power from DC motor input upto multiple times.


Long life cycle up to 20-25 Year without major-parts replacement

Used as Fuel-free Generator I UPS I invertor | Backup Power module.

Less mechanical parts - less wear and tear – Low maintenance cost

Emission free electricity generation

Modular expansion possibility

Environment friendly with no fossil fuel based pollution.

Cost of power generation is very low compared with other sources.

Ideal for any Indoor or outdoor operations and safe to operate.

product demonstration